Wind Energy Conversion System With Permanent Magnetic Synchronous Generator

  • Bhupendra Singh Niranjan MGIMT Lucknow India
  • Km Alka Verma MGIMT Lucknow India
  • Km Pragati Grutam MGIMT Lucknow India
  • Pradeep Kumar MGIMT Lucknow India
  • Akash Tiwari MGIMT Lucknow India
Keywords: WECS, PMSG


This paper presents a study on grid-connected WECS with PMSG. The application of non-conventional energy resources develops much rapidly to improve low carbon energy resources in India. Nowadays, we are going to depend on solar, wind for the fulfillment of energy demand. Wind energy applications develop much more rapidly than other renewable resources such as solar, geothermal, and so on in the 21st century. It becomes the third core energy resource following non-conventional fuels as oil and chemical. The electrical energy generated by wind power plants is the best developing and most promising renewable energy source. The wind is a clean, free, and limitless energy source. Wind Energy Generation Systems (WECS) are confronted with increasing demands for power quality and harmonic distortion control. With the advance in power electronics technology, the fast growth of variable speed WECS is now witnessed.


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How to Cite
Niranjan, B. S., Verma, K. A., Grutam, K. P., Kumar, P., & Tiwari, A. (2021). Wind Energy Conversion System With Permanent Magnetic Synchronous Generator. International Journal of Advanced Computer Technology, 10(6), 06-09. Retrieved from