Community Detection over Social Media: A Compressive Survey

  • Shraddha Sharma TIT, RGPV, Bhopal
  • Yogadhar Pandey TIT, RGPV, Bhopal
Keywords: Social Network Analysis, cloud, spammer, communities, Network Influence


Social media mining is an emerging field with a lot of research areas such as, sentiment analysis, link prediction, spammer detection, and community detection. In today’s scenario, researchers are working in the area of community detection and sentiment analysis because the main component of social media is user. Users create different types of community in social world. The ideas and discussions in the community may be negative or positive. To detect the communities and their behavior researcher have done a lot of work, but still two major issues are presents per survey, Scalability and Quality of the community. These issues of community detection motivate to work in this area of social media mining. This paper gives a bird eye view over social media and community detection.


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How to Cite
Sharma, S., & Pandey, Y. (2020). Community Detection over Social Media: A Compressive Survey. International Journal of Advanced Computer Technology, 9(5), 01-06. Retrieved from