A Framework for Enhancing the Energy Efficiency of IoT Devices in 5G Network
A wide range of services, such as improved mobile broadband, extensive machine-type communication, ultra-reliability, and low latency, are anticipated to be delivered via the 5G network. The 5G network has developed as a multi-layer network that uses numerous technological advancements to provide a wide array of wireless services to fulfil such a diversified set of requirements. Several technologies, including software-defined networking, network function virtualization, edge computing, cloud computing, and tiny cells, are being integrated into the 5G networks to meet the needs of various requirements. Due to the higher power consumption that will arise from such a complicated network design, energy efficiency becomes crucial. The network machine learning technique has attracted a lot of interest from the scientific community because it has the potential to play a crucial role in helping to achieve energy efficiency. Utilization factor, access latency, arrival rate, and other metrics are used to study the proposed scheme. It is determined that our system outperforms the present scheme after comparing the suggested scheme to these parameters.
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