• Kasereka Masivi Samuel Invertis University Bareilly, India
  • Ravi Shankar Shukla Saudi Electronic University, KSA
Keywords: Challenges, Design, Distributed Database, UML, MERISE


Up-front handling of the prior and specific factors in the design of distributed database is an important factor that can influence the effectiveness of its implementation. In this paper, we aim at highlighting the major and specific constraints of a distributed database in the approaches of the MERISE and UML methods that can have a negative impact on the implementation of their results and thus deserve the attention of a researcher to create a new and appropriate method.


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Author Biographies

Kasereka Masivi Samuel, Invertis University Bareilly, India

Computer science

Ravi Shankar Shukla, Saudi Electronic University, KSA

Computer science


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How to Cite
Samuel, K. M., & Shukla, R. S. (2018). CHALLENGES TO DESIGN A DISTRIBUTED DATABASE USING UML AND MERISE. International Journal of Advanced Computer Technology, 7(6), 01-14. Retrieved from