Volume 01 Issue 01, October 25 2012

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Mahesh Singh

Page no:01-03


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A Probability based Energy Efficient Clustering Protocol in Wireless Sensor Network

Richa Agarwal, Amit Kumar Gautam

Page no:04-09


Many database applications perform complex data retrieval and update tasks. Nested queries, and queries that invoke user-defined functions, which are written using a mix of procedural and SQL constructs, are often used in such appli-cations. A straight-forward evaluation of such queries in-volves repeated execution of parameterized sub-queries or blocks containing queries. This work discusses important aspects related to optimiza-tion and execution of these queries, which can be a rather complex task, which in turn reduces the overall response time of the application as it reduces the database access time for query evaluation. Due to the flexible structures of SQL, no general approach works efficiently for all kinds of queries. Some special kinds of queries can be further optimized for better performance. In this paper we study two kinds of such queries: one is que-ries having non-aggregate sub queries and the other is que-ries having redundancy. To deal uniformly with non-aggregate sub queries in SQL, we propose the nested rela-tional approach based on the nested relational model. To deal with redundancy in complex SQL queries, we propose the redundancy awareness method.

Establishment of Tsunami Early Warning System in India

Tata sudhakar, Dr. C.D. Suriyakala

Page no:10-14


Tsunami is a gravity wave generated due to large scale disturbance such as earth quakes, volcanic eruptions, under water explosions (nuclear device at sea), metroit impact, landslides and any other mass movements. On December 26th 2004 major earth quake magnitude of 9.1 on Richter scale has occurred on Sumatran fault which has triggered massive tsunami which has claimed about 250,000 lives and distraction to property worth billions. Indian is surrounded by two seismic zones, the Makran fault in the west coast and Sumatran fault in the east coast. The occurrence of Tsunami was relatively new to India but distraction due to storms is an annual feature as 6% world cyclones generated in and around Indian seas. Ministry of earth sciences, Govt of India has lunched project to establish warning systems for both Tsunami and Storm surges. The warning system has in-puts from seismic (Indian meteorological department), Bottom pressure recorders, HF radars and surface met ocean buoys (National Institute of ocean Technology), tide gauges (Survey of India), communication (Indian space research organisation), modeling (ICMAM) and Indian National centre for ocean information survives (INCOIS) was assigned the task of warning where all the inputs from different observation platforms received, process and warning is provided. The warning centre is operational from 15th October 2007 and providing Tsu-nami advisories.

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Khushboo Saxena, Akash Saxena, Akanksha Saxena, Ashutosh Pal

Page no:15-20


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Security from flooding Fake Route Request in MANET (Mobile Adhoc Network)

Neha Jain, Piyush Sinngh

Page no:21-25


The use of Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANETs) has increased in recent times. Reactive routing protocols like AODV [1] used in MANETs, flood the network with route requests whenever a new route is to be discovered. This technique of flooding can be easily altered by malicious nodes to interrupt the network. Generally all nodes have a limit ahead of which requests cannot be sent. Malicious nodes can easily detour this limit and send out large numbers of fictitious route requests in the network, flooding other nodes which ultimately waste all of their processing and battery power in forwarding them. As a result, authentic route requests get ignored and many routes do not get a chance to form and network got congested. In this paper, we propose a method by which we can prevent the network congestion and reduce the bandwidth consumption. We show by means of reasoning and simulation that our scheme increases the efficiency and throughput of the network.


Manoj Kumar

Page no:26-29


Software quality is an important aspect for every software man-ufacturer. In Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP) refers to the programming approach which isolates secondary and supporting functions from the main program’s business logic. The applica-tion’s modularity increased in that way and its maintenance be-comes significantly easier. But there are some other non-func-tional factors which affect the software maintainability. In this paper, Fuzzy Inference System based Framework is proposed to predict the maintainability of Aspect Oriented Software System. The Proposed approach is empirically evaluated to classify the Aspect Oriented Software System in five classes on the basis of efforts required to maintain the AOP software system.