Due to the enhanced digital media on the web, information security and privacy protection issue have attracted the eye of information communication. Information hiding has become a subject of sizable im-portance. Currently each day there's very big drawback of information hacking into the networking space. There is variety of techniques offered within the trade to over-come this drawback. So, information hiding within the encrypted image is one in all the solutions, however the matter is that the original cover can't be losslessly recov-ered by this system. That’s why recently; additional and additional attention is paid to reversible information concealing in encrypted pictures however this technique drawback low hardiness. A completely unique technique is planned by reserving for embedding information be-fore encoding of the image takes place with the offered algorithmic rule. Currently the authentic person will hide the information simply on the image to produce authen-tication. The transmission and exchange of image addi-tionally desires a high security .This is the review paper regarding this reversible information hiding algorithms obtainable. As a result, because of histogram enlarge-ment and bar graph shifting embedded message and also the host image may be recovered dead. The embedding rate is enhanced and PSNR magnitude relation using novel technique.
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