A Conceptual Framework for Social Media Adoption in Business

  • Alrawda Abdullatif Abdulhaleem Hamid University of Science and Technology, Sudan
Keywords: adoption framework, user-generated content, Facebook, Sudan, social media in business, social media performance, business performance indicators, social media business profile


This research is aiming to improve performance indicators in business units through the development of a social media framework that helps businesses to systematically adopt social media. The researcher examined literature in addition to surveying personnel of 7 businesses Khartoum, in order to reveal how they perceive use of organizational use of social media from different axis: experience with social media business profiles (SMBPs), extent of knowledge about performance metrics of their business units and most likely affected units with use of social media, expectations from exploitation of social media, and others; by using paper-based survey. Variables extracted from analyzing survey and investigating literature has been used as a base of the solution framework. Stakeholders and factors that affect social media adoption were analyzed and embedded in the solution framework. Moreover, content analysis of user-generated content (UGC) on Facebook for two businesses running in Sudan has been performed in order to validate the framework against towcommon performance indicators.


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How to Cite
Hamid, A. A. A. (2020). A Conceptual Framework for Social Media Adoption in Business. International Journal of Advanced Computer Technology, 9(1), 01-12. Retrieved from http://ijact.org/index.php/ijact/article/view/36