A Novel IDS Security Scheme for Multicast Communication in DTN
This DTN routing should naturally support unicast and multicast routing strategies. A network node can register itself to any receiver group by setting the corresponding destination. In this research we proposed a new security algorithm with multi cast routing against malicious packet dropping attack in DTN. The proposed security method of finding attacker is based on the link detection method for data forwarding in between sender to receiver. The packet dropping on link through node is detected and prevented by IDS security system. This method not only identified the black hole and grey hole but also prevent from routing misbehavior of malicious nodes. The attacker is identified by data dropping of packets in excessive quantity and their prevention is possible by selecting the next possible route where attacker does not exist in connected link between senders to receivers. The intermediate nodes are identified the attacker through confirm positive reply of malicious node or nodes in dynamic network. The proposed secure IDS (Intrusion Detection and prevention) is securing the DTN and improves the network performance after blocking black hole and grey hole in network. The network performance in presence of attack and secure IDS is measures through performance metrics like throughput, routing packets flooding and proposed secures routing is improves data receiving and minimizes dropping data network.
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