• Sida Zhang Information Engineering College of HAUST, Luoyang 471003, China
  • Wei Li Information Engineering College of HAUST, Luoyang 471003, China
  • Renfang Wang College of Big Data and Software Engineering, Zhejiang Wanli University, Ningbo 315100,China
Keywords: Video tracking, KCF algorithm, VGG-16 neural network, equal interval frame update


In order to solve the problem that the KCF tracking algo-rithm has occlusion or deformation and the disturbance fac-tors such as similar objects cause tracking failure; this paper proposes an improved algorithm combining VGG-16 neural network. Firstly, the VGG-16 network's powerful feature ex-traction capability is used to extract features that are more ro-bust to deformation and occlusion from different layers and different operations. Then, using the cyclic shift matrix of KCF algorithm, a large number of sample training classifiers are generated, and then new images are calculated. The filter-ing response of the block predicts the target position; in order to improve the real-time performance of the algorithm, the model and the new strategy for the KCF algorithm reduce the computational complexity by updating the model with a fixed frame interval. Compared with the traditional KCF algorithm, this method can effectively deal with the interference factors such as deformation and occlusion, and can achieve target tracking more quickly while ensuring accuracy.


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How to Cite
Zhang, S., Li, W., & Wang, R. (2019). KCF TRACKING ALGORITHM BASED ON VGG16 DEPTH FRAMEWORK. International Journal of Advanced Computer Technology, 8(2), 05-09. Retrieved from http://ijact.org/index.php/ijact/article/view/13